Tel. Beratung & Bestellung: 0941-3996707 0

Keep your cells alive and healthy

with the help of the 4 pillars

Globalis Jubiläum 25 jahreA unique composition
of healthy and delicious natural products!

For over 30 years, we have been working on the most important building blocks for a healthy, fulfilled, long and vital life.

In addition to the well-known factors such as regular exercise in the fresh air, sufficient and detoxifying fluid intake, relaxation and a balanced, ideally vegan or vegetarian wholefood diet, we have developed the
system of four complementary pillars - for health and vitality into old age.


    Globalis - SäulenThe four pillars for healthy cell function:

    1. Globalium Zeolite
    to cleanse your organism of various stresses (toxins and free radicals)

    2. Stabilized Oxygen
    O4 Stabilized oxygen concentrate for the production of highly active oxygen water
    (New: Stabilized without chlorite, chlorate and without chlorine oxides)

    3. Vitamins and Nutrients
    to supply your whole body with a true abundance of natural vital substances such as vitamins, enzymes, minerals and high-quality proteins

    4. "Edible" Cosmetics
    to protect your skin (and therefore also your blood and tissue) with natural, purely plant-based natural cosmetics - homemade

    With the natural treasures of these 4 pillars, you have a holistic and sustainable tool at your fingertips with which you can play a decisive role in shaping your vital present and future.

    (Sorry, this catalog is available in German only)
    Katalog zum Download


    Globalis ProdukteAn optimal composition

    The natural products we have put together are not a random collection. Each individual product fulfills a purpose, each one has been carefully selected with the highest quality in mind.

    Many books have been written about each of our products - we have compiled the essence for you in our information.


    Violettverpackung von GlobalisThe packaging

    Carefully filled into a very special protective packaging: since ancient times of glass production (in Egypt for about 5000 years), not brown, green or white, but violet and golden containers have been used to preserve precious ointments, oils, essences and remedies.

    We continue this tradition so that you can be sure that all valuable ingredients are optimally protected and remain preserved for many months.

    Your product selectionProdukt-Auswahl

    When putting together your favorites, it should not be so much about "either or", but rather about what you personally would like to start with. You can start with one of the pillars and complete your individual vital building blocks over time.

    All our natural products complement each other in a safe and sensible way. You can combine them yourself and give your entire body system a healthy boost every day.

    We hope you enjoy putting together your daily companions and wish you a happy, long and healthy life.

    Hermann Rogl and the entire Globalis team

    We live and act for your health!


    Tel. Bestellung
    E. Kappl
    Mo-Do 09:00-15:00 Uhr
    Freitag 09:00-15:00 Uhr

    Tel. Bestellung
    E. Kappl
    Mo - Do 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
    Freitag 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
    Tel.: 0941-3996707

    Tel. 0941 3996707