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Simply eliminate toxins

Giftstoffe ausleitenOur body suffers from the pollutants to which we are exposed

Our bodies are less and less able to cope with the many toxins - mainly because the number of harmful substances is constantly increasing, creating a kind of cocktail in the body, the effects of which have long since become unmanageable: If, for example, substance xy does not pose a health risk on its own, it can be highly dangerous when combined with other substances of concern.

Experts have been warning for years about the unmanageable consequences of this toxic conglomeration to which we are increasingly exposed. Many toxins can no longer be removed by the body itself, because the detoxification organs are either overloaded or have no chance against certain substances anyway, as is the case with highly toxic mercury, for example.


Aluminium und ZeolithZeolite - protection against aluminum?

The topic of aluminum is on everyone's lips and has hit the headlines in the press at the latest as an additive in vaccines or an ingredient in deodorants. As a result of human activities, the amount of biologically active aluminum is constantly increasing, which means that human exposure to aluminum is also increasing. Aluminum in its pure form is very reactive and is almost always found in nature as a component of compounds. Due to the widespread use of aluminum in a variety of products, such as cosmetics and food, direct exposure for the general population can hardly be avoided.

However, the absorption rate of aluminum in the body is decisive for the risk. Depending on the aluminum species and the environment, the absorption of aluminum can be very individual from person to person, cumulative effects can lead to increased intake levels and thus limits set by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) can easily be exceeded.

Silicon-rich natural zeolite clinoptilolite as a possible aid against aluminum pollution



Zeolith - rezeptfrei in allen Apotheken 

Available without prescription in all naturopathic pharmacies
(PZN 10013765)

It all depends on the grinding!
There is a huge difference in quality here, isn't there?
We are often asked if there is not only a price difference between the different zeolites, but also a significant difference in quality?
What does activated zeolite mean?

Here are some answers: >>

Globalium Zeolith ultra-fine with PMA activation

Certified medical device class II b

Zeolith ist ein zertifiziertes Medizinprodukt

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