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Further application observation

Offprints on the topic of zeolite

Zeolith und SchwermetallePollutant exposure among miners

Removal of excess pollutants

A group of lead-exposed miners were given 5 g of natural clinoptilolite zeolite daily for five weeks on a voluntary basis, while the others initially remained untreated.

After five weeks of treatment, the treated miners were ....


Zeolith und TASThe effect of zeolite

on the total antioxidant status of healthy individuals and patients with malignant disease.

Course of disease in patients treated with dynamically finely ground and micronized zeolites:

1. patients with carcinogenic diseases
2. liver diseases hepatitis cirrhosis
3. diabetes mellitus
4. neurodegenerative diseases




Sorry, our books about zeolite are available in German only.

Zeolith - rezeptfrei in allen Apotheken 

Available without prescription in all naturopathic pharmacies
(PZN 10013765)

It all depends on the grinding!
There is a huge difference in quality here, isn't there?
We are often asked if there is not only a price difference between the different zeolites, but also a significant difference in quality?
What does activated zeolite mean?

Here are some answers: >>

Globalium Zeolith ultra-fine with PMA activation

Certified medical device class II b

Zeolith ist ein zertifiziertes Medizinprodukt

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E. Kappl
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Tel.: 0941-3996707

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