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GLOBALIS - Oase der Natur
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I Description and significance of zeolite
II The invention – mineral activation process
III Overview of mechanisms and applications of activated zeolite
IV The medical device - Gloablium Zeolith (Medical Substance)
V Studies on detoxification
5.1 Effects of zeolite on microorganisms
5.2 Acne treatment with zeolite
5.3 Ammonium exchange and detoxification through zeolite
5.3.1 Efficiency of zeolite´s ammonium uptake
5.3.2 Activated zeolite for liver cirrhosis regeneration
5.4 Extraction of heavy metals through zeolite
5.5 Adsorption of aflatoxins and enterotoxins
5.6 Removal of radionuclides
5.7 Acid-base balance
5.7.1 Lactic acid reduction through zeolite
5.7.2 Treatment of diarrhea with zeolite
5.8 Improved treatment of irritable bowel syndrome through zeolite
5.9 Supportive therapy of eating disorders with zeolite
5.10 Oxidative stress – intoxication by free radicals
5.11 Effects of zeolite on the lipometabolism
5.11.1 Metabolic activation in diabetes treatment
5.11.2 Relief for dialysis patients
5.11.3 Support of micro/macroangiopathy
5.12 Liver protection in chemotherapy
VI Dosage recommendations
VII Conclusion
Contributing physicians and institutions