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GLOBALIS - Oase der Natur
Westheim 42
93049 Regensburg
Fon: 09 41/3 99 67 07
Fax: 09 41/3 99 67 04
E-Mail: mail(a)globalis.info
The intestinal wall barrier protects the body from undesirable substances that occur in the intestinal environment. If this barrier is disturbed, the risk of harmful substances penetrating the intestinal wall and damaging the organism increases.
Globalium Zeolite has been proven to strengthen the physiological intestinal wall function and thus the body's protective barrier against foreign substances.
Globalium zeolite can selectively reduce and eliminate heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, As, Ni, Cr and ammonium by binding them through cation exchange under the conditions of the intestinal environment.