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Analysis of Oxidative Stress and Clinical Observation on the Use of activated Zeolite
Analysis of Oxidative Stress and Clinical Observation on the Use of activated Zeolite
attract single electrons away from intact structures.
intercept free radicals directly, and neutralise them by donating an electron to them without themselves becoming free radicals.
Yes, it is true
that zeolites can contain an increased amount of lead.
The differences exist depending on where the zeolites are mined.
Lead occurs in all minerals and rocks to a certain extent.
Aluminum (Al) is "demonized" in its toxic effect without any proven scientific results and also proclaimed as the cause of so-called Alzheimer's dementia without any scientific evidence.
According to these and other authors, everything associated with Al is uncritically labeled as toxic. This includes aluminum silicates, e.g. zeolites and silica. As a result, broad sections of the population are being made anxious. Every day I receive telephone inquiries about the toxic effects of aluminum compounds, especially the aluminum silicate zeolite. This prompts me, with reference to the actual state of scientific knowledge and some of my own research results, to bring Al toxicity and the Al hypothesis of causing dementia back to reality.
This requires the following basic knowledge....[more]
on the suspension (e.g. HD 60095090001) and intended suspension of certificates for products natural zeolite, bentonite/montmorillonite (aluminum silicates) by the certification body TÜV Rheinland LGA Produkte GmbH, 81105 Cologne, Germany
Karl Hecht
Dr. med. Dr. med. habil.
Professor of Neurophysiology and Emeritus Professor of Experimental and Clinical Pathological Physiology at Humboldt University (Charité) in Berlin
Member of the International Academy of Astronautics
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Honorary President of the European Academy for Medical Prevention