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Lead / aluminum in zeolite

Lead in zeolite?

Yes, it is true that zeolites can have an increased amount of lead.
The differences exist depending on where the zeolites are mined.
Lead occurs in all minerals and rocks to a certain extent.

For this reason, it is advisable for users to only take zeolite that is also intended for internal use and has been extensively tested and certified in this respect.
This is the case with products that are approved as medical products in Germany, such as Globalium Zeolith.
Here the lead value is in any case below the maximum recommended limit.
However, the low lead content naturally contained in Globalium Zeolite is not released into the body, but passes through the gastrointestinal tract - firmly embedded in the lattice structure of Globalium Zeolite - and is excreted again via the normal stool.

The situation is similar with aluminum silicate, which makes up a much higher proportion of zeolite.
In the appendix you can see a chemical explanation of aluminum and zeolite:


No aluminum release from the medical device Globalium Zeolith.

Keine AluminiumfreisetzungGlobalium Zeolite is resistant to decomposition by gastrointestinal juices.

In studies on the behavior of Globalium Zeolith in strong acid (pH 1.2 corresponding to the gastric environment), no dissolved aluminum could be found for 48 hours. Normally, Globalium Zeolite taken orally remains in the body for a much shorter time, as it is completely excreted after approx. 24 hours. The main components of Globalium zeolite - silicon and aluminum - cannot be absorbed in the intestine (M. Colic)[1].

Silicates are the salts of orthosilicic acid (Si(OH)4); all silicates are compounds made up of SiO4 tetrahedra, whose tetrahedra can be linked together in various ways. The silicon in a silicate can be partially replaced by aluminum, which behaves very similarly chemically. Silicates in which this is the case are called aluminosilicates. With the exception of alkali silicates, all silicates are insoluble in water and other solvents. Unlinked sites of the silicate tetrahedra accumulate cations such as Na+, K+, Ca2+ or Mg2+ for the purpose of charge equalization or they are present as basic (i.e. acid-binding) hydroxide ions (OH-). When aluminum (Al3+ instead of Si4+) is incorporated into the silicate framework, further charge balancing must take place through the addition of further cations. All cations taken up in this way enter the ion exchange according to the affinity series. They are therefore decisive for the ion exchange capacity of Globalium Zeolite.

Aluminosilicates such as the zeolite clinoptilolite are inorganic compounds that are insoluble in solvents and, with increasing silicon content, also insoluble in acids. The silicon content of a zeolite is therefore extremely important. Globalium zeolite consists of clinoptilolite, which has a modulus (= Si:Al ratio) of 4.96-6.2 : 1. Clinoptilolite is surprisingly stable under acidic conditions and can be used in very acidic solutions of pH = 1 (corresponds to the pH value in the stomach). Although the superficial deposits then dissolve slowly, the lattice structure of aluminum and silicon remains undisturbed[2], meaning that no aluminum is dissolved out of the lattice structure and released. This means that no aluminum can be absorbed in the intestine[3].

Artificial zeolites such as zeolite A and natural, low-silicon zeolites allow dealumination when the pH value is lowered. In contrast, aluminum, which is firmly bound to silicon in natural, silicon rich globalium zeolite, is not dissolved from the compound. Toxicological studies have shown that the natural, specially activated clinoptilolite used in Globalium Zeolith medical products is absolutely safe to use. This applies to both human and veterinary medicine[1].


Experimental evidence

Controlled animal experiments in vivo and in vitro have confirmed that the natural clinoptilolite we use is an inert (= chemically uninvolved and stable) substance. According to current knowledge, it is not possible to dissolve elemental, atomic aluminum in the gastrointestinal tract with Globalium zeolite in this environment. This is because the material would have to be heated to 400 °C in order to dissolve it. This state of research is generally scientifically recognized and thus also textbook knowledge (e.g. in Graefe et al "Pharmacology and Toxicology")[1].

The American silicon researcher Prof. Dr. Edith M. Carlisle conducted animal experiments on the aluminum hypothesis. She first gave older female rats a low-silicon diet and then a high-silicon diet. The low-silicon diet led to an accumulation of small amounts of aluminum salts in the brain. If the animals initially fed a low-silicon diet were then given sufficient silicon in their food, the accumulation of aluminum in the brain quickly disappeared again. As Globalium zeolite contains a large surplus of silicon and aluminum is not present in atomic form, we are not aware of any concerns about causing an accumulation of aluminum through the intake of Globalium zeolite[1].

Both in-vivo and in-vitro experiments have proven beyond doubt that clinoptilolite has a positive effect on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Based on the experimental results, clinoptilolite can be attributed a protective effect on the cognitive areas of the brain. The results of in-vivo studies on mice showed that certain enzymes (superoxide dismutase), which are involved in antioxidative processes and cellular defense, showed significantly increased activity after administration of clinoptilolite. The number of plaques in the brain was reduced. In summary, the results clearly indicate neurodegenerative protection of natural zeolite in Alzheimer's patients (Montinaro, M et al., 2013)[1].

Furthermore, the experiments with neuronal cells (in-vitro) and mice (in-vivo) showed that the administration of activated zeolite can influence existing oxidative damage on the one hand and the generation (formation) of new plaques in the brain on the other. In neurodegenerative diseases, the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) plays a key role in regulating and controlling the survival or death of a cell. This occurs through the interaction between cellular macromolecules and their signal transduction pathways. Amyloid plaques (misfolded peptides), which are deposited between neurons and tau fibrils (twisted protein fibers) inside brain cells, are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. Experiments with activated zeolite on a neuronal cell line proved a reduction in ROS[1].


Source reference:
[1] bearbeitete Auszüge aus der Sicherheitsbewertung des QualitätManagement-Handbuches (ISO 13485) des Herstellers - Stabilität hinsichtlich Aluminiumfreisetzung. 
[2] Loretta Y. Li et al., “Treatment of acid rock drainage by clinoptilolite. Adsorptivity and structural stability for different pH environments.” Applied Clay Science, Volume 39, Issues 1-2, April 2008, Pages 1-9, ISSN 0169-1317, DOI:10.1016/j.clay.2007.04.003. 

Zeolith - rezeptfrei in allen Apotheken 

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(PZN 10013765)

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