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GLOBALIS - Oase der Natur
Westheim 42
93049 Regensburg
Fon: 09 41/3 99 67 07
Fax: 09 41/3 99 67 04
E-Mail: mail(a)globalis.info
Local comforting lotion
To carry everywhere to help the skin to balance under stressing situations or to use on scars, bruises,
It is a resource to regain confidence due to its comforting effect on physical and mind level
Can be applied on the back of the ears to help the skin recover its balance when in artificial environments like planes or offices with many computers and air conditioned.
A feeling of wellness comes about immediately showing a better adaptation of the skin.
The skin reacts to stressful situations losing its adaptability. The use of MiSol Arnica on areas under stress or trauma is beneficial.
Apply on the desired area and allow to dry.
Shake before use.
All agricultural ingredients are certified organic (Certified by CPAEN)
Mit den pflanzlichem Wirkstoff von Traubenkernöl, Wildrosenöl, Holunderblüten Extrakt, Jasmin Extrakt und Geranienöl