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* Some ingredients are suspected of clogging pores and thus increasing acne - these are called comedogenic. This is derived from the technical term comedo.
Premium quality, raw, high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids:
- ein edles und vielseitiges natürliches Pflegeöl für die natürliche Kosmetik
Baobaböl ist nicht komedogen*!
ArtikelNr.: 493
Preis: 15,90 EUR
- ein edles und vielseitiges natürliches Pflegeöl für die natürliche Kosmetik
BaobabkernÖl ist nicht komedogen*!
ArtikelNr.: 492
Preis: 26,90 EUR
- ein edles und vielseitiges natürliches Pflegeöl für die natürliche Kosmetik
BaobabkernÖl ist nicht komedogen*!
ArtikelNr.: 491
Preis: 89,00 EUR
For the very finest and healthiest cuisine:
Argan oil is not only extremely tasty, but also a real treasure! Argan oil differs from many other oils in that it contains two very special ingredients: the valuable, rare phytosterols schottenol and spinasterol, which are not found at all or only in small quantities in other edible oils.
An application tip from our customers: Argan oil is excellent as a skin and hair care product. Thanks to its high-quality ingredients, it soothes sensitive and blemished skin and its moisturizing effect prevents dehydration and therefore skin ageing.
Available packaging sizes: In the original Miron violet glass bottle: 100 ml, 500 ml and 1 liter.
Although baobab seeds are very popular in African cuisine and in the natural healing world, baobab seed oil is only approved for cosmetic use in Europe.
For cooking, the seeds are ground into powder and are very popular in health-conscious cuisine due to their abundance of minerals and vitamins.
The vitamin C in the baobab fruit helps your body to produce collagen and elastin.
These two proteins are necessary to ensure the elasticity of the skin. This keeps your skin looking young for longer.
The antioxidant properties of baobab fruit also improve skin health, as the antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals that can damage skin cells.
Damaged skin cells can lead to premature ageing, wrinkling and degenerative skin diseases.
The antioxidant properties of baobab reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Baobab seed oil is a plant oil that is ideal for facial care.
Baobab oil is a vegetable oil that is ideal for facial care.
1. the unsaturated fatty acids ensure optimal skin protection and thus also ensure that moisture is retained in the skin.
2. the high content of saturated palmitic acid has a significant influence on the effect of baobab oil. It forms a light protective film on the skin and prevents water loss, but does not close the pores. As a result, the skin remains supple and soft for a long time.
3) Baobab oil facial care is particularly suitable for chapped, easily inflamed and dry skin, as it increases the skin's elasticity and promotes the regeneration of damaged cells.
4. if the oil is massaged into the damp face with water, applied to the skin after showering or massaged into the ends of the hair, the baobab oil effect can unfold particularly well.
Baobab oil protects the skin from transepidermal water loss, has a smoothing effect and strengthens the top layer of skin. The oil also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects when used cosmetically.
Baobab oil is particularly suitable for
The seeds of the baobab fruit contain many essential fatty acids. Among other things, it contains around 30 percent unsaturated linoleic acid. However, it also contains saturated fatty acids. These include palmitic acid with a content of 25 percent, which gives the oil a long shelf life. The oil also contains 35 percent oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid.
Due to its oxidative stability, baobab seed oil is particularly suitable as a stabilizing component in oil blends designed for dry skin. The saturated fatty acids have a moisturizing effect, which is why the oil is suitable as a substitute for vegetable butter, for example.
As the seed oil does not clog the sebaceous glands in the skin, it is considered non-comedogenic.
Composition of baobab seed oil
The crude oil obtained has a light, thin consistency. Its color ranges from light yellow to golden yellow and has an odor profile typical of omega-5 oils.
Our baobab oil comes from wild-growing mighty baobabs from the African savannah.
To produce baobab seed oil, the seeds are removed from the fruit, washed, dried and the precious oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds. It is filtered and bottled.
This gentle process preserves the valuable ingredients. Approximately 25 kg of seeds are used to produce one liter of baobab oil.
The baobab tree is colloquially known as the baobab tree.
known. The best-known species is the Adansonia digitata, also known as the African
Baobab tree, whose fruits and other plant components are used for the production of natural remedies, as food or in processed form, for example as baobab oil.
Baobab is derived from the Arabic term "bu hibab", which means "fruit with many seeds". This is because a single baobab fruit can contain between 120 and 200 seeds. These are embedded in egg-shaped, nut-like shells in the pulp, which can be between 10 and 40 cm long. As soon as the pulp dries and hardens, the fruit can be easily opened and the seeds removed.
Baobab fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which is why they taste sour, similar to citrus fruits.
are embedded in the cream-colored fruit pulp and the red-brown fibers in the hard fruit skin. In order to remove the pulp, fibers and seeds, the shell must first be broken open manually.
The kernels in the seed coat are very nutritious and have a slightly almond-like flavor. They are rich in oils and fats, vitamins (A, E), high-quality proteins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals, fiber, saturated (30%) and unsaturated (70%) fatty acids and amino acids such as lysine. If you leave some of the fruit pulp on the seeds, they are sucked like drops by young and old thanks to their tart taste, similar to that of citrus fruits, and are very popular.
Roasted seeds can be eaten like peanuts. Whole seeds were roasted, ground and brewed with hot water as a coffee substitute. The powder was also used to season soups and other dishes.
various diseases. Mixed into a paste, the ground seeds were used for gum problems and diseased teeth or applied to aching joints. Powdered seeds were used to treat hiccups in children. Diarrhea was also treated with extracts from the seeds or the fruit pulp. Seeds were also used to treat stomach and kidney problems. Hunters also used baobab seeds to obtain the antidote for the poison strophanthus used to hunt game. In the past, fruit peels, seeds and the red fibers from the fruit were burned. The resulting smoke kept flies away. Potash was extracted from the residue. This is used as a fertilizer or as an additive for soap and as a leavening agent in baking.