Tel. Beratung & Bestellung: 0941-3996707 0

OPC Premium

Dietary supplements consisting of oligomeric proanthocyanidins and vitamin C

Recommended dosage

To supplement your food with natural antioxidants, we recommend a daily dosage of 1 capsule of OPC. Swallow without chewing, along with some liquid before a meal.

One capsule contains 300 mg of grape seed extract, 125 mg Oligomere Proanthocyanidine = OPC, 70 mg Acerola , cellulose capsule.

The specifics of Globalis OPC PremiumOPC 


  • Patented  method  of extraction according to Prof. Dr. Jack Masquelier
  • 100% polyphenol extract from the seeds of red grapes
  • Optimized with vitamin C-rich acerola cherry powder
  • Optimal protection of the valuable nutrients through violet protective glass Miron or violet protective film
  • Cold extraction (physically) with clean water - without solvent
  • Very high ORAC value of 20240 µmol TE/g (= 6072 µmol TE per capsule)*
  • Analyzes concerning the ORAC value and OPC content conducted by a neutral laboratory*
  • Very high content of pure OPC (=Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins)
  • Vegetarian-vegan capsules
  • No fillers, no additives, no coloring
  • Grape seed extract from France - production and storage in Germany

Our OPC Premium is extracted from very high quality grape seeds!

Health Claims - Vitamin C

  • Reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Contribution to normal psychological functions
  • Regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E
  • Contribution to a normal energy metabolism
  • Maintenance of the immune system
  • Protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative stress

Health Claims - Vitamin C

  • Reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Contribution to normal psychological functions
  • Regeneration of the reduced form of vitamin E
  • Contribution to a normal energy metabolism
  • Maintenance of the immune system
  • Protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative stress
  • OPC Premium


    ArtikelNr.: 431 a

    Preis: 32,90 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • OPC Premium


    ArtikelNr.: 432a

    Preis: 129,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • OPC Premium


    ArtikelNr.: 432a/5

    Preis: 545,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb

Recommended dosage

To supplement your food with natural antioxidants, we recommend a daily dosage of 1 capsule of OPC. Swallow without chewing, along with some liquid before a meal.

One capsule contains 300 mg of grape seed extract, 125 mg Oligomere Proanthocyanidine = OPC, 70 mg Acerola , cellulose capsule.

Discovery of OPC

The vital substance of OPC was discovered and isolated in 1947 by Professor Dr. Jaques Masquelier at Bordeaux. As in the discovery of Penicillin, this happened quite incidentally. He discovered this sensational substance while examining the red-brown skins of peanuts to see if they could be used as mast for animal feeding and, as it was the post-war period, as a source of protein for human beings as well. Later, he isolated this specific group of substances, the oligomere proantho-cyanidines, from the maritime pine and from the seeds of grapes as well. Further occurrence of OPC: in wild blackberries, wild raspberries, propolis, garlic, ginseng, rosehip, tree bark and needles, tea tree oil.


OPC is a highly water-soluble substance. The grape seeds are crushed and then heated in water. As all water-soluble substances are dissolved – not only OPC, a patented extraction method has been developed and improved continuously in the course of 50 years with the cooperation of OPC’s discoverer, Prof. Dr. Jacques Masquelier, delivering a guaranteed OPC content of 85 – 90%.

Interesting facts

OPC has almost entirely vanished from our food today due to the processing and the long storage times of our foods. A sufficient supply might only be obtained through a daily consumption of 2.25 litres of red wine or 2.5 kg of peanuts which is definitely not recommended.

OPC is absorbed within the body immediately after consumption. It is assimilated within minutes, remains active for as long as 72 hours (in contrast to 2 – 4 hours for vitamin C and E) and even crosses the blood-brain barrier.

The ORAC value*

The antioxidant potential of a food can be expressed in ORAC units (µmol TE/100 g).
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity. TE stands for Trolox Equivalent (vitamin E standard). The very high ORAC value of 20240 µmol TE/g, i.e. 6072 µmol TE/capsule of our product was determined using the above-mentioned method.

ORAC note

The information on the ORAC values of our product can serve as possible comparative data, the significance of which is currently still being extensively researched.

* According to the current state of knowledge, there is insufficient scientific evidence on the extent to which the ORAC value actually has an influence on physiological processes in the human body and on maintaining its health.

Human Need of Vitamin C

As the human organism does not produce vitamin C by itself, we depend on additional supplies of this vitamin.

Under certain conditions such as stress and physical strain, our demand for vitamin C increases rapidly. For example: to absorb 1 gram of vitamin C, one would have to eat more than 2 kg of freshly picked oranges per day. This need can be covered by approx. 6 g (1 ½ teaspoons) of our acerola powder. For persons with an allergic reaction to citrus fruits, our acerola extract can be an ideal solution as well.


OPC Produktbeschreibung

OPC Gehalt

OPC Gehalt


The ORAC value*

(Sorry, this information is available in German only)

Das antioxidative Potenzial eines Lebensmittels kann in ORAC-Einheiten (µmol TE/100 g) angegeben werden.
ORAC steht für Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity. TE steht dabei für Trolox Equivalent (Vitamin E Standard). Der sehr hohe ORAC- Wert von 20240 µmol TE/g, d.h. 6072 µmol TE/Kapsel unseres Produktes wurde mit dem oben genannten Verfahren ermittelt.

ORAC Hinweis

Die Angaben zu den ORAC- Werten unseres Produktes können Ihnen als mögliche Vergleichsangaben dienen, deren Bedeutung derzeit jedoch noch umfassend erforscht wird.

* Über den ORAC- Wert gibt es nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand keine wissenschaftlich hinreichend gesicherten Erkenntnisse, inwieweit er tatsächlich Einfluss auf physiologische Abläufe im menschlichen Körper und auf dessen Gesunderhaltung hat


Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo-Do 09:00-15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00-15:00 Uhr

Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo - Do 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Tel.: 0941-3996707

Tel. 0941 3996707