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GLOBALIS - Oase der Natur
Westheim 42
93049 Regensburg
Fon: 09 41/3 99 67 07
Fax: 09 41/3 99 67 04
E-Mail: mail(a)globalis.info
Hydrating and nourishing cream to use at any time. It can be used for cleansing of the skin with cotton wool. The cream can also be used at night after a cleansing with the MiBella lotion.
For a quick uplifting effect use the lotion with the spray over the cream with gentle dabs with the hand. Using it before showering, the action of the cream and lotion is activated with the moisture and the warmth. It is highly recommended to face an intense day of work or after long days with much activity and little relaxing time. It favors recovering of serene gesture and the elasticity of the skin. When used before relaxation or meditation it enhances the anti-stress attitude.
All agricultural ingredients are certified organic (Certified by CPAEN)
Mit den pflanzlichen Wirkstoffextrakten von Holunderblüten und Wacholderbeeren.