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Chaga & Mumijo

The King of Herbs

 Chaga der König der Naturmedizin


From 15.11. 2023, all Bearmedicine users and resellers
can buy Chaga or Mumijo

on Globalis



Meet one of the most potent ancient nordic herbs

the king of herbsChaga is undoubtedly the King of all mushrooms, with an extremely high concentration of biologically active substances, providing natural nutritional immunity and promoting rejuvenation and health on a cellular level: All backed by science!

With one of the highest numbers of antioxidants known to man it is the No. 1 formula against your daily free radical damage.

The King of Herbs (Bearmedicine) with its unique sophisticated extraction provides a Masterpiece that contains one of the highest active values not found in similar products. 100% natural, instant soluble.

Chaga Mumijo StoneChaga(+Mumijo) Ultimate Super Extract

- The Highest natural source of SOD-Enzyme on the Planet

SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) is a major important anti-cancer enzyme for humans. Chaga has 13 times more SOD than any other mushroom.

- Accesses 100% of the relevante active compounds

whereas Chaga powder or Chaga Tea don’t even reach the 15% mark; regular Chaga-Extract or Dual-Extract around only 40%

- The Ultimate-Super-Extract really is the best!

All Chaga supplements are simply not the same! Our sublimation extracting process results in a product that contains the highest values of antioxidants and other compounds not found in any other Chaga supplement on the planet, such as...

- 100% Undamaged Chaga Mushroom DNA

Only our Ultimate-Super-Extract, because of it’s highly advanced method of processing, has a fully undamaged Chaga DNA, whereas cooking tea with powder or a spray-dry/alcohol extract destroy and loose most of it.


CInonotus Obliquushaga (Inonotus Obliquus)

Which is neither plant nor animal, is a mushroom that grows on birch trees.

Strangely, it has a DNA structure that is 30% more human than plant! Birch trees take 15-20 years to reach maturity. During that time, the Chaga mushroom absorbs and concentrates many valuable enzymes, nutrients and healing compounds that are bioavailable to the human body.

Chaga grows primarily in Siberia, but also in parts of Japan, Korea, Alaska, Canada and northern Scandinavia. And although Chaga is found on your typical white birch tree, the most potent variation is found on the black birch trees of Siberia, the exclusive harvesting area of "The King of Herbs'" Chaga.

Superfood is a word hot on everyone's tongue these days, but right about now, you can't use that buzz word without mentioning Chaga. It's known as the "King of Herbs" by many and after seeing it's jaw-dropping antioxidant value, there's no doubt why. Wild-harvested Chaga mushrooms not only have the highest antioxidant levels in the mushroom kingdom, but of any known food to man (as tested by the Brunswick Laboratories, the USDA and Tufts University).

Our Chaga Multi-Super-Extract has total ORAC value of 153.200 yTE/100g.

The wild Chaga mushroom not only has the highest antioxidant values compared to all other mushrooms, but also compared to every natural remedy known to us on earth.

(Tested by the USDA, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Tufts University in Boston, MA).



Highly potentised instant MULTI-SUPER-EXTRACT from 100% Siberian CHAGA mushroom. To become a highly concentrated extract powder, it has undergone a technological process combining water and freeze-drying extraction.
Why do we need to apply this elaborate process to CHAGA?
This extraction process allows for the activation of the health-promoting CHAGA compounds that are "stored" in raw CHAGA in a passive state, but are not absorbed by the body to this extent in raw CHAGA (ground powder or tea).
When you brew Chaga tea, you are making something that resembles a mini extract, but thereby only have access to max. <20% of the important components. In addition, our extraction process allows us to remove useless substances and concentrate the maximum of important biological compounds. To obtain 1 kg of CHAGA extract, we use approx. 8 kg of raw CHAGA mushroom!


Reishi- & Mandelpilz & Arabica Hochland Kaffee Premium Mischung 250 g zur Zeit leider nicht lieferbar

  • Chaga Powder 72g - Genuine Siberian CHAGA Black Birch Mushroom

    Chaga Powder pure

    Boost your immunity, protect yourself against free radicals, reduce inflammation and give your body the natural "fuel" it needs to repair itself and supercharge your health, naturally.
    The King of Herbs Chaga Ultimate Super Extract is on of the purest and superior qualities of Chaga available - 100% harvested by hand in the nordic Taiga.

    • Chromogenic Complex:  60%
    • Polysaccharide: 35%
    • Beta-Glucans: >33%


    ArtikelNr.: 182

    Preis: 59,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga Powder 72g - Genuine Siberian CHAGA Black Birch Mushroom

    Chaga Powder pure

    Boost your immunity, protect yourself against free radicals, reduce inflammation and give your body the natural "fuel" it needs to repair itself and supercharge your health, naturally.
    The King of Herbs Chaga Ultimate Super Extract is on of the purest and superior qualities of Chaga available - 100% harvested by hand in the nordic Taiga.

    • Chromogenic Complex:  60%
    • Polysaccharide: 35%
    • Beta-Glucans: >33%


    ArtikelNr.: 182-3

    Preis: 165,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Echter sibirische CHAGA-Pilz der Schwarzbirke

    Chaga (pur) - die beste und effektivste Qualität der Welt

    von 100% reinem, wild hergestelltem, sibirischem Birkenpilz Multi-Super-Extrakt. Von Hand gesammelt und nur mit den besten und modernsten Methoden verarbeitet.


    ArtikelNr.: 182-Muster

    Preis: 14,75 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • CHAGA - real Siberian black birch mushroom

    Chaga Powder pure

    Boost your immunity, protect yourself against free radicals, reduce inflammation and give your body the natural "fuel" it needs to repair itself and supercharge your health, naturally.
    The King of Herbs Chaga Ultimate Super Extract is on of the purest and superior qualities of Chaga available - 100% harvested by hand in the nordic Taiga.

    • Chromogenic Complex:  60%
    • Polysaccharide: 35%
    • Beta-Glucans: >33%


    ArtikelNr.: 182-N

    Preis: 49,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga-Pulver Bearmedicine

    Chaga (pur) - die beste und effektivste Qualität der Welt

    von 100% reinem, wild hergestelltem, sibirischem Birkenpilz Multi-Super-Extrakt. Von Hand gesammelt und nur mit den besten und modernsten Methoden verarbeitet.


    ArtikelNr.: 182-N-3

    Preis: 135,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga-Pulver Bearmedicine

    Chaga (pur) - die beste und effektivste Qualität der Welt

    von 100% reinem, wild hergestelltem, sibirischem Birkenpilz Multi-Super-Extrakt. Von Hand gesammelt und nur mit den besten und modernsten Methoden verarbeitet.


    ArtikelNr.: 182-N-10

    Preis: 390,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga 80% + Mumijo 20%

    Chaga + Mumijo Powder

    80% Chaga and 20% Mumijo


    ArtikelNr.: 181

    Preis: 69,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga 80% + Mumijo 20%

    Chaga and Mumijo Premium
    Multi-super extract

    90% Chaga and 20% Mumijo


    ArtikelNr.: 181-3

    Preis: 195,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga 80% + Mumijo 20%

    Chaga + Mumijo Powder

    80% Chaga and 20% Mumijo


    ArtikelNr.: 181-Muster

    Preis: 17,25 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga 80% + Mumijo 20%

    Chaga + Mumijo Powder

    80% Chaga and 20% Mumijo


    ArtikelNr.: 181-N

    Preis: 59,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga 80% + Mumijo 20%

    Chaga + Mumijo Powder

    80% Chaga and 20% Mumijo


    ArtikelNr.: 181-N-3

    Preis: 165,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga 80% + Mumijo 20%

    Chaga + Mumijo Powder

    80% Chaga and 20% Mumijo


    ArtikelNr.: 181-N-3-10

    Preis: 490,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Mumijo Powder -  "The Gift of the Gods" for the folk-medicine. (Shilajit)

    Boost your immunity and give your body the natural "fuel" it needs to repair itself naturally with the strongest natural immune enhancer known to man(Mumijo/Shilajit).


    ArtikelNr.: 183

    Preis: 39,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Mumijo Powder -  "The Gift of the Gods" for the folk-medicine. (Shilajit)

    Boost your immunity and give your body the natural "fuel" it needs to repair itself naturally with the strongest natural immune enhancer known to man(Mumijo/Shilajit).


    ArtikelNr.: 183-2

    Preis: 70,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Mumijo - Bearmedicine

    aus 100% reinen sibirischen mineralisierten Honig und Honigwaben aus dem Altaigebirge.
    Multi-Super-Extrakt in Pulverform


    ArtikelNr.: 183-Nachf

    Preis: 98,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga 80% + Mumijo 20%

    Dosing spoon for all 3 dosages from Bearmedicine

    Chaga double spoon 0.3 g & 1.2 g


    ArtikelNr.: 185

    Preis: 2,90 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga + Mumijo Powder

    Chaga and Mumijo Premium
    Multi-super extract

    100% Chaga and 80% Mumijo


    ArtikelNr.: 181-182

    Preis: 119,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Chaga + Mumijo Ballance Collection - The King of Herbs

    Chaga and Mumijo Premium
    Multi-super extract

    100% Chaga and 100% Mumijo


    ArtikelNr.: 182-183

    Preis: 89,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb
  • Bio Vita Reishi Kaffee_Premium

    Bio Röstkaffee, gemahlen, 250g

    Der wohl geschmackvollste Reishi-Kaffee in diesem Universum!

    Zur Zeit nicht lieferbar

    ArtikelNr.: 184

    Preis: 19,99 EUR

MumijoMumijo "The Gift of the Gods"

Mumijo is a dark brown hard tar converged from honey and honey combs of wild living ancient bee populations, in a fossilization process of millions of years.

It is extremely rare and only found in caves of very high mountain regions of central Asia. Bearmedicine‘s Mumjio is mined by hand under the highest efforts in regions above 2,500 m / 8.000 ft in the Altai mountain region.

But due to our unique freeze-dry multi extraction method, the health-supportive biological compounds become bioavailable or the human body. In this way you access 100% of the available therapeutically relevant components of Mumijo that gives the immune system a natural boost.

From the 1950s to the 1980s, extensive studies on the therapeutic uses of mumijo were conducted in Russia at the University of Tashkent, and the following main indications are considered to be "scientifically-medically" proven:

- Immunomodulation
- Aftercare of fractures
- Gastrointestinal diseases of the mucous membrane (gastritis)

Siberian Chaga Mushroom

grows only in limited areas. On the map, the green color shows where Chaga Mushroom can be found in general. The yellow color shows where our real Siberian Black Birch Tree Chaga Mushroom grows. We collect our Chaga from the Eastern Siberia Taiga Forest, the Northern part towards the Altai Mountains range and Khakassia, the region North of Lake Baikal and the Kamchatka peninsula. These are the areas with the winter temperatures as low as -50° Celsius. The huge regions are very thinly populated and have no industries around. The lack of industries and the harsh climate conditions make our Chaga ecologically clean and free of any contamination.


Sibirischer CHAGA-Pilz

The Mumijo gathering sites in the Altai Mountains are marked red.

Chaga + Mumijo BookletDie Chaga-Brochure

More information
Each jar and bag comes with an informative booklet and a copper-coated measuring spoon.

 Available in:

Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo-Do 09:00-15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00-15:00 Uhr

Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo - Do 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Tel.: 0941-3996707

Tel. 0941 3996707