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Premium Bio GranatapfelkernÖl (100 % Direkt Öl) - extra virgin, Kaltpressung in Rohkost Qualität,
hoher Anteil an mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren: Punicinsäure, Linolsäure, Stearin-, Palmitinsäure. und Phytosterole.
ArtikelNr.: 483
Preis: 16,90 EUR
Premium Bio GranatapfelkernÖl (100 % Direkt Öl) - extra virgin, Kaltpressung in Rohkost Qualität,
hoher Anteil an mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren: Punicinsäure, Linolsäure, Stearin-, Palmitinsäure. und Phytosterole.
ArtikelNr.: 482
Preis: 29,90 EUR
Premium Bio GranatapfelkernÖl (100 % Direkt Öl) - extra virgin, Kaltpressung in Rohkost Qualität,
hoher Anteil an mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren: Punicinsäure, Linolsäure, Stearin-, Palmitinsäure. und Phytosterole.
ArtikelNr.: 481
Preis: 95,00 EUR
The cold-pressed organic pomegranate seed oil can be added in traces to salads or drizzled into your raw food smoothie or muesli.
The delicate, somewhat strange (slightly rancid) taste is due to the very rare omega 5 fatty acids.
Good experiences have been made with a few drops of the oil on slightly damp facial skin, hair and for pampering the skin of the whole body.
Pomegranate seed oil is considered a delicacy in both natural and gourmet cuisine. The unobtrusive and also indescribable taste - due to the high omega 5 content - puzzles even gourmets as to where this somehow familiar and yet intangible fine taste comes from.
Pomegranate seed oil for the skin: Pomegranate seed oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it valuable for skin health.
Skin ageing and wrinkles: Pomegranate oil contains a number of ingredients that are powerful antioxidants. It is rich in vitamins A, C, E and K, vitamins that are important for reducing skin wrinkles and keeping different skin types young and elastic for as long as possible. The vitamin C in it supports collagen formation.
Pomegranate seed oil as a moisturizer: both for facial skin and for the whole body. It is quickly absorbed and effectively moisturizes the skin. For this reason, it is often used by acne sufferers as it serves as an anti-microbial, moisturizing natural oil. Pomegranate seed oil is also very nourishing and revitalizing for dry skin types and is good for psoriasis and sunburned skin.
Pomegranate seed oil for the hair: Pomegranate seed oil can be applied directly to the hair strands and scalp. The oil restores shine to dull hair and can repair damage caused by environmental damage. The hair is revitalized, nourished and protected. A few drops can be added to a normal, natural shampoo or conditioner. The oil has anti-fungal properties and can help to reduce dandruff and inflammation of the scalp. By stimulating blood flow to the scalp, it promotes the growth of healthy new hair.
The most important components of pomegranate seed oil are punicic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid, phytosterols and vitamin E (tocopherol).
Punicic acid - increases the body's resistance, reduces swelling and soothes muscle pain. The acid increases collagen production and reduces skin ageing. It also strengthens and rejuvenates the hair and makes it look healthy and shiny.
Linoleic acid - also known as omega 6 fatty acid, promotes hair growth and facilitates wound healing. It has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes acne and promotes the absorption of moisture into the skin and hair.
Oleic acid - the omega 9 fatty acid ensures supple skin, stimulates hair growth and eliminates dandruff.
The acid has antioxidant properties, strengthens the immune system and soothes joint inflammation and pain.
Stearic acid - Stearic acid has skin-cleansing properties and frees the skin and hair from excessive sweat and sebum. The acid protects the skin and keeps it supple.
Palmitic acid - this saturated fatty acid softens the skin and hair.
Phytosterols - increase collagen production and protect the skin from sun damage. They strengthen the immune system and promote skin growth.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) - has an anti-oxidant effect, promotes blood circulation and slows down ageing. Vitamin E can repair blemished skin and reduce scars. It also has a soothing effect and protects the skin and hair from moisture loss.
The extraction of pomegranate seed oil
Pomegranate seeds, the edible seeds of the pomegranate, are small ruby-red seeds with a sweet and tart flavor. The seeds are mainly used to produce pomegranate seed oil, which has many positive stimulating effects both internally and on the skin.
In the extraction process, pomegranate seed oil is obtained by cold pressing its ripe seeds.
This ensures that its nutrients, enzymes and vitamins are retained in the oil.
Approximately 200 - 500 kilos of fresh pomegranates are required to produce 1 liter of pomegranate seed oil.
The crude oil obtained has a light, thin consistency. Its color ranges from light yellow to golden yellow and has an odor profile typical of omega-5 oils.
Our cold-pressed pomegranate seed oil is:
The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is probably one of the oldest cultivated fruits of mankind. It is thought to have originated in West and Central Asia.
The seed-rich fruit is already mentioned in the Old Testament. It is mentioned in the Song of Solomon to praise the beauty of women. The beautiful red blossom and the fruit have always been regarded as a symbol of eternal youth, fertility and love.
The pomegranate owes its name to its interesting interior. The purple-red fruit contains a large amount of seeds - lat. granatus = granular, rich in seeds and the name "punica" goes back to the Romans, who assumed that the Phoenicians = Punic people imported the fruit into the Roman Empire.
Even the name of the Spanish city of Granada goes back to them. The fruit is still included in the city's coat of arms today.
In Christianity, Mary and the baby Jesus are often depicted with a pomegranate as a sign of their fertility.
In Judaism, the perfect pomegranate contains 613 seeds, which corresponds to the number of commandments in the Torah.
In Islam, it is the favorite fruit of the Prophet Mohammed and in Buddhism it is one of the sacred fruits.
In ancient Egypt, it was given to the dead as food for the journey and in ancient Rome, young women wore a wreath of pomegranate branches in the hope of a rich blessing of children.
The Greek myth of Persephone, the daughter of the fertility goddess Demeter, is also famous. And of course the lark, which Shakespeare's Juliet would have been only too happy to mistake for a nightingale, sat on a pomegranate tree...