Tel. Beratung & Bestellung: 0941-3996707 0

Organic Cashews

Grown wild, natural and untreated, unroasted and unsalted

 CashewnüsseThe specifics of Globalis Cashews

  • Wild Growth
  • produced by a fair trad family project
  • Most of the fruit (pulp) is buried again under the tree as a natural fertilizer
  • Processing on the same day of harvest
  • Cracking the nuts and removing the shells on site
  • No heating of the Nuts (shell removal by steam)
  • Incredible as it sounds : Every nut is carefully checked whether there are any shell residues
  • Unique quality of the hand-processed nuts
  • Optimum protection by airtight packaging on-site
  • Bulk packs for the whole family or as a storage packs ,
  • Free from genetic engineering and pesticides
  • no plantation goods and no "modern slave labor"

The high proportion of the essential amino acid tryptophan is an essential nutrient during the production of serotonin.

Taste: The flavor is sweet and nutty and less intense than that of peanut or walnut. Cashews are a good source of minerals, such as magnesium, which plays an important role in strengthening the bones and the activity of enzymes. The seeds also contain iron, which is an important part of hemoglobin, an elementary constituent of red blood cells .
Note: Some people are allergic to cashew nuts, but this allergy is much less common than in various other types of nuts.


  • Cashewnüsse Wildwuchs
    nicht geröstet, nicht abgeflammt, ohne Salz,


    ArtikelNr.: 1201-5

    Preis: 15,90 EUR

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  • Globalis Bio Cashewsnüsse - gute pflanzliche Eiweissquelle
    nicht geröstet, nicht abgeflammt, ohne Salz,


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    Preis: 30,00 EUR

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  • Globalis Bio Cashewsnüsse - gute pflanzliche Eiweissquelle
    nicht geröstet, nicht abgeflammt, ohne Salz,


    ArtikelNr.: 1201-2

    Preis: 58,00 EUR

    In den Warenkorb

The Cashew Tree

General information about the cashew tree and its fruit

The cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) grows in tropical climates and bears cashew apples and cashew kernels - the cashew nuts. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to discover this tree in north-eastern Brazil. The name cashew is derived from the Indian word "Tupi Acaju - kidney tree" via a few linguistic detours. Perhaps because of the shape of the seeds?

The cashew tree is an evergreen deciduous tree that can reach heights of 10 to 12 meters. Its crown is bushy and more or less symmetrical. Its special rooting abilities, combined with a certain tolerance to nutrient poverty and occasional drought, make the tree a good wind and erosion protection, which the local population has always taken advantage of.

When ripe, the cashew apple develops a very intense, fruity-sweet aroma. The apples are very tasty, sweet and sour, apple-like and rich in vitamin C. In Brazil, they are used to make a drink called cajuína, which is said to have ritual effects. In Goa, India, the juice is distilled into a schnapps called cashew feni.



Our cashew nuts come from the mountains of the island of Bali / Indonesia. The trees have been growing wild in this volcanic region for centuries and stand alone in the jungle or in the extensive "gardens" of the local families. There are also mango, pineapple and cocoa trees and coconut palms.

The nuts and fruit have so far been eaten to a small extent and for the most part simply left lying around, as the processing and transportation were almost impossible to manage. The nearest town is 2-3 hours away and can hardly be reached without a vehicle. In cooperation with a long-time friend who has known, loved and lived in Indonies for twenty years, an initiative was founded for the small farmers and local familie

A modern drying and processing facility has been set up, where the surrounding families can hand in fresh fruit and nuts that they do not need themselves every day. These are processed on the day of harvest and thus preserved. For the families, this means that their natural treasures no longer rot and they can earn an additional income. And for us, it means being able to enjoy freshly harvested, sustainable and naturally grown fruit.

The fruit is transported to Germany by ship in a sealed food container. This has the advantage that the goods packed on site no longer have to be irradiated or fumigated and the ecological footprint can be kept very low thanks to this type of transportation.


A cashew nut grows like a small nose on a cashew apple. When the nuts are harvested, these apples are often eaten straight away or, due to the abundance of the harvest, most of the apples are buried in the ground under the tree. There they serve as a natural fertilizer.

The very hard nutshell is scored and then opened with a kind of kitchen cleaver. Both steps are carried out manually and very carefully. There is another thin shell inside the nut, which must also be removed. This shell adheres very firmly and is unhealthy if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

Most manufacturers therefore use caustic, toxic alkaline solutions to remove it. The thin inner shell of our nuts is treated with steam in a special process. This makes it easy to remove the shell without chemicals and without causing burns to the workers.

Bio Cashewnüsse

Bio Cashewnüsse Produktbeschreibung 


 Globalis -Bio-Zertifizierung



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Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo-Do 09:00-15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00-15:00 Uhr

Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo - Do 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Tel.: 0941-3996707

Tel. 0941 3996707