Tel. Beratung & Bestellung: 0941-3996707 0

Organic Noni juice - 1 Liter

Organic Noni juice
  • certified organic product
  • 100% juice from fully aromatic, wild, sun-ripened, hand-picked Noni fruits
  • Traditionally fermented, prepared and bottled in the country of harvest (Fiji Islands)
  • No reconstitution from concentrate - freshly pressed!
  • inexpensive bulk pack for the whole family or for stockpiling (carton of 6) available
  • Brix value of about 8.2% * guarantees the high level of maturity

(* Brix: The measure of the soluble solids in a liquid (and thus approximate the sugar content) is usually given in "degrees Brix" (Brix) Indirectly is obtained thereby an objective value of the degree of ripeness of fruit..)

Non EU Agriculture

ArtikelNr.: 830 a Artikelbestand: Lieferbar
Preis: 29,00 EUR
1L ≙ 29,00 EUR
In den Warenkorb
30 – 60 ml of Noni juice once or several times a day, depending on your state of health. The higher dose brings quick relief of health problems, the lower dose promotes general well-being and the power of resistance. Ideally, the juice should be taken on an empty stomach around 30 minutes before eating so that the precious proxeronine is not impaired by the gastric juices.
Please shake the bottle well before use so that fruit sediments that may have settled on the bottom are included. The colour of the juice can vary slightly due to the sediments drifting in the juice.
Where does the Noni fruit come from?
Noni is an evergreen bush or tree of the family of Rubiceae found all over the Asiatic-Pacific region. Its fruit reaches a length of up to 9 cm and has a light green to cream coloured shade when it is ripe. From early times it was exported by traders and sailors because of its well-known medicinal quality.
How is the Noni fruit processed?
The Noni fruit are harvested when ripe and are processed on the spot. They are squeezed and the juice is bottled in its purely natural state without any additives. Noni reaches peak prices at local markets and is so popular that buyers are virtually fighting for the last fruits.
Noni natural fruit juice is freshly processed from sun-ripened hand picked fruits. According to food law regulations, this juice is naturally pure, free from preservatives, and can thus be stored for as long as 8 months. The opened bottle can be stored in the refrigerator with lid shut tight for as long as 1 – 2 months.
We have noticed that the juice changes to a darker shade of colour after 2 – 3 weeks. This is a wholly natural phenomenon and testifies to its special quality.

Data sheets

Bio Noni Direktsaft

Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo-Do 09:00-15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00-15:00 Uhr

Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo - Do 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Tel.: 0941-3996707

Tel. 0941 3996707