Tel. Beratung & Bestellung: 0941-3996707 0

Shelf stable food products

Long lasting food

We specialize in high quality and healthy natural resources that can be preserved for years and without additional processing (such as refrigeration, cooking ...).
As long as the systems still work, it is still easy to build up the basic supply for yourself, your family or community.

With the below offers you save additionally by increased packaging units.


Extremely durable algae

Algae as a whole food...
Algae are among the highest quality and most holistic foods available. According to WHO, humans could temporarily survive on algae and supplemental vitamin C alone.

A majority of the ingredients such as vegan protein, bioavailable minerals, natural vitamins and chlorophyll are found in all 3 freshwater algae. The differences are only in finer areas of application.

Experience for yourself the power and refreshment that comes from these green powerhouses.

Extremely durable algae >>>

Globalis' haltbare SpezialitätenOther durable specialties

Durable food for times of need, which also strengthen our immune system. Not only for the present time but also for the future.

Globalis Vital products are excellent not only as supplementary food but also as emergency food stock.

Other durable specialties >>>

High-quality supply for on the go

Unterwegs mit Globalis-LebensmittelnGlobalis food to-go,
(to-go) are great for work, office, school, college and on the go. They are diverse, delicious and nutritious, energy suppliers and vegan, healthy and durable, snackable and handy.

For example:
Do you know flower pollen? The protein-rich raw food from the beehive?
It's just one example:
You can swallow flower pollen pure and directly or put the pollen under your tongue and let it work for a few minutes before swallowing it. Due to their valuable ingredients, flower pollen are actually very healthy (including many amino acids and vitamins). Basically, there is no limit to how many flower pollen you can eat a day.

Similar foods are, for example:

√ RAIN - Soul & Core - vegan smoothies for on the go.

√ ViriaCell cookies - focused and powerful cellular nutrition.

√ Acerola lozenges, food high in all-natural, plant-based vitamin C,
two of them are equivalent to 200% of the daily requirement of vitamin C (RDA).

√ Cashews, so a very good source of protein.

√ Cacao beans or cacao nibs, a mood-boosting food.

High-quality road food >>>

<<< Über Globalis

Philosophie und Konzept, Globalis Team, Garantien und Umweltschutz, Das Violettglas, Globalis Cocktails, Globalis Geschenke - Sets und Gutscheine.

Shelf-stable food

Haltbare Vorratslebensmittel

Further offers:

  • Extremely long-life seaweed
  • Other long-life specialties
  • High-quality supply for on the go


Neue Rezepte: Kraft- Cocktails für extra Power

Globalis Cocktails für extra Powe

Entdecken Sie unsere neuen und gesunden Rezeptideen.

weiterlesen >>

Unterstützung der Entgiftung

Globalium Zeolith Pulver

und Stärkung der Darm-Wand-Barriere im Darmmilieu mit Hilfe von Globalium Zeolith.

weiterlesen >>


Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo-Do 09:00-15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00-15:00 Uhr

Tel. Bestellung
E. Kappl
Mo - Do 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Tel.: 0941-3996707

Tel. 0941 3996707