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GLOBALIS - Oase der Natur
Westheim 42
93049 Regensburg
Fon: 09 41/3 99 67 07
Fax: 09 41/3 99 67 04
E-Mail: mail(a)globalis.info
It gives the skin a feeling of wellness. Cleanses the skin from impurities and stains, producing a beneficial effect thanks to the herbal formulation.
Free radicals and other toxics frequently produce stains, irritations and other antiaesthetic reactions on the skin. The cream MiBuena helps neutralize and eliminate these substances that are aggressive for the skin, acting on them when they come from the inside of the body and also if coming from the outside. Its effect becomes visible leaving a refreshed appearance as well as producing a sensation of a better breathing of the skin on the treated area.
Its intense action is also beneficial on areas that suffer friction and in which rough skin appears like elbows, knees, heels...
Can be used on sensible zones to eliminate what can be causing excess of sensation. Due to its nature it can be applied on the area requiring a more specific treatment. It is especially good for a quality and intense treatment of the skin of the face before going to bed.
Apply on the desired area during the day, when getting up or when going to bed.
All agricultural ingredients are certified organic (Certified by CPAEN)
Mit den pflanzlichem Wirkstoff von Traubenkernöl, Wildrosenöl, Holunderblüten Extrakt und Weihrauchöl.